Advisory Board

MIMS Advisory Board is an international network of distinguished experts who have agreed to give our Institute meaningful help on a regular and voluntary basis in different areas, including scientific, organizational development, policy, fundraising and outreach. Their abilities, experience and knowledge were sought to help direct and consolidate the MIMS project.


Chairman Emeritus

Name : Dr. Sadok Kallel (former Director of MIMS 2012-2022)

Sadok Kallel is a graduate of Michigan State University (BS) and of Stanford University (Ph.D). He spent his postdoc years and early career at Mathematical Institutes in Canada (CRM of Montreal, Fields of Toronto and PIMS at Vancouver). He joined the University of Lille 1 as a faculty in 1999. He is currently a research fellow at the Laboratoire Painlevé in Lille and a Professor of Mathematics at the American University of Sharjah (UAE). His field of specialty is Algebraic Topology with applications to geometry and analysis. He's the managing editor of the Graduate Journal of Mathematics.

Alejandro Adem,

Alejandro Adem is Professor of Mathematics at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He has extensive administrative experience as he served as Chair of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison between 1999 and 2002. He served as deputy director for the PIMS (Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences) and has become its acting Director since 2008.  Prof. Adem has outstanding credentials as a scientific organizer. He served for four years as Co–Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute at Berkeley (MSRI), and as member of the MSRI Board of Trustees. Since 2005, he has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Banff International Research Station (BIRS).

Aziz El Kacimi

Aziz El Kacimi is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Valenciennes, France. He specializes in dynamical systems, foliation theory, geometry and global analysis. He is currently the Chairman of the GGTM (Geometry and Topology Grouping for the Maghreb). He's very active in developping research in the North African region either through his laboratoire LAMATH, the GGTM, the CNRS or at the Cite des Geometries de Maubeuge of which he's an active member. He's the author of several introductory books on Mathematics the latest of which is on Euclidean Geometry and published at Editions Ellipses, Paris  (2012)..

Kamel Ben Naceur,

Kamel Ben Naceur est un ancien membre du conseil des directeurs mondiaux de la Society of Petroleum Engineers et le vice-président de l’Institut des hautes études scientifiques de Paris. Il est également co-auteur de 120 publications et de 13 livres, parmi lesquels Global Energy Assessment (2012), Resources to Reserves (2013) et Future Energy (2014). Il obtient son agrégation de mathématiques en 1977, son diplôme de Polytechnique en 1978 et de l'École normale supérieure en 1979. En 1990, il est nommé à Alger en tant que directeur régional marketing et technologies pour Schlumberger en Afrique du Nord puis est chargé, en 1993, de la direction régionale du même secteur en Amérique latine, à Caracas, et enfin au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord, à Dubaï en 1997, puis au Caire. Toujours à Schlumberger, il devient directeur mondial de la technologie en 1999 à Houston. En 2007, il est détaché auprès de l'Agence internationale de l'énergie comme expert international pour le développement de scénarios énergétiques mondiaux durables à long terme. De 2009 à 2011, il est chef économiste à Schlumberger Paris puis, de 2012 à 2013, président du centre de technologie de ce groupe à Rio de Janeiro.

Mahmoud Triki,

President and Founder of South Mediterranean University SMU in Tunis. Dr. Triki has an MBA from the American University, Washington DC, and a PhD from the Ohio State University, Columbus, US. In 1977, he was appointed as Dean of the Higher Institute of Management (ISG) in Tunis. In 1981 he founded and directed for a six-year period the "Mission Universitaire et Scientifique de Tunisie" in Washington. In 1993, Dr. Triki founded a consulting firm (PRO-INVEST) specialized in education and vocational training. Since 2002, he is devoting his efforts to establishing and managing SMU in Tunisia.