Abbas Bahri Fellowship


Born in Tunisia on January 1st, 1955, Abbas Bahri was one of the brightest mathematicians of his generation. His contribution to non-linear and geometric analysis was deep and foundational, and in 1989, he was awarded the Fermat Prize for Mathematics for his introduction of new methods in the calculus of variations. Abbas Bahri’s impact on Tunisian mathematics is most profound and most long standing, with a dozen graduate students now occupying positions around the world. On January 10, 2016, Abbas passed away following a long illness at the age of 61. Read More Here.

This visiting position is to keep his memory alive.

This visiting position is to enable researchers to visit Tunisia for a period of at least 10 days and at most 3 weeks, and it must be hosted by one or two faculty members in a Tunisian University. The Abbas Bahri Fellow (visitor) would be an academic (faculty) staff from other institutions (including postdocs) who wish to establish and/or enhance ongoing research collaborations.

The fellowship is open to all Fields of Pure Mathematics.

The fellowship covers travel and local living expenses.

It is expected that the visitor will interact with researchers on current and planned research projects and give seminars to faculty, graduate and postgraduate students.

Applications starting date: JULY 2019. No applications will be considered before.

Applications should be made by a single electronic submission via email to the address:

The application should include

  1. A letter of support (up to one page in length) from the proposed host(s) addressed to the selection committee. The goal of the letter is to endorse the application and briefly comment on the strength of the applicant relative to opportunity and discipline, and on how the visit will be of benefit to the research program of the host(s) or the University.  The letter should also contain the proposed visit dates.
  2. A research proposal (up to one page in length), written at a level accessible to abroad mathematical audience.
  3. CV of both hosts and fellow (including qualifications, appointments, awards and publications).

Applications will be assessed by a Scientific Committee. Final decision and budget allocation is taken by MIMS.

Potential hosts should contact the Committee for further information and internal guidelines.

Selection committee:
Mohamed Ben Ayed (Chairman), Hichem Chtioui, Najoua Gamara, Abdellaziz Harrabi, Mokhless Hammami, Ali Maalaoui, Salem Rebhi, Hasna Riahi, Abdelbaki Selmi, Ridha Yacoub.

Contributing to the Fellowship: CALL FOR FUNDING

A dedicated bank account has been setup to collect all donations. With your support, the Abbas Bahri Visitng Position Fund will give Tunisian active researchers (faculty and postgraduates) an opportunity for close collaboration with mathematicians of the highest caliber from around the world. Your gifts are essential to the functioning of this position, and your support will help keep mathematical research in Tunisia vibrant, consistent with Bahri’s vision and struggle. Donated funds will be used exclusively to pay for the position (travel, accommodation and daily allowance for fellows).